Search_Filter_Active_Query Object ( [sfid] => 91654 [is_set:Search_Filter_Active_Query:private] => 1 [query_array:Search_Filter_Active_Query:private] => Array ( ) [form_fields:Search_Filter_Active_Query:private] => Array ( => Array ( [type] => search [heading] => [placeholder] => Search [accessibility_label] => ) [_sft_ihs_region] => Array ( [type] => taxonomy [input_type] => select [heading] => IHS Region [accessibility_label] => [all_items_label] => Select IHS Region [show_count] => 0 [hide_empty] => 0 [hierarchical] => 0 [include_children] => 0 [drill_down] => 0 [sync_include_exclude] => 1 [combo_box] => 0 [no_results_message] => [operator] => and [order_by] => name [order_dir] => asc [exclude_ids] => [taxonomy_name] => ihs_region ) [_sfm_csp_address_csp_address_state] => Array ( [type] => post_meta [meta_type] => choice [number_input_type] => range-slider [number_is_decimal] => 1 [choice_input_type] => select [date_input_type] => date [meta_key_manual_toggle] => 0 [combo_box] => 0 [no_results_message] => [show_count] => 0 [hide_empty] => 0 [input_type] => [choice_meta_key] => csp_address_csp_address_state [choice_accessibility_label] => [choice_get_option_mode] => auto [choice_order_option_by] => value [choice_order_option_dir] => asc [choice_order_option_type] => alphabetic [choice_is_acf] => 1 [date_accessibility_label] => [date_meta_key] => [date_start_meta_key] => __elementor_forms_snapshot [date_end_meta_key] => [date_use_same_toggle] => 1 [number_accessibility_label] => [number_start_meta_key] => __elementor_forms_snapshot [number_end_meta_key] => [number_use_same_toggle] => 1 [heading] => State [meta_key] => csp_address_csp_address_state [date_from_prefix] => [date_from_postfix] => [date_from_placeholder] => [date_to_prefix] => [date_to_postfix] => [date_to_placeholder] => [date_use_dropdown_month] => 0 [date_use_dropdown_year] => 0 [decimal_places] => 0 [number_decimal_places] => 2 [thousand_seperator] => [decimal_seperator] => . [number_values_seperator] => - [number_display_values_as] => textinput [number_display_input_as] => singlefield [range_min_detect] => 0 [range_max_detect] => 0 [range_min] => 0 [range_max] => 1000 [range_step] => 10 [range_value_prefix] => [range_value_postfix] => [date_input_format] => timestamp [date_compare_mode] => userrange [number_compare_mode] => userrange [date_output_format] => d/m/Y [all_items_label] => Select State [all_items_label_number] => [operator] => and [meta_options] => Array ( ) ) [_sft_crisis-services] => Array ( [type] => taxonomy [input_type] => checkbox [heading] => Crisis Services [accessibility_label] => [all_items_label] => [show_count] => 0 [hide_empty] => 0 [hierarchical] => 0 [include_children] => 0 [drill_down] => 0 [sync_include_exclude] => 0 [combo_box] => 0 [no_results_message] => [operator] => and [order_by] => default [order_dir] => asc [exclude_ids] => 846 [taxonomy_name] => crisis-services ) [reset] => Array ( [type] => reset [heading] => [input_type] => link [submit_form] => always [label] => Reset ) ) [query_str:Search_Filter_Active_Query:private] => -1 [plugin_slug:Search_Filter_Active_Query:private] => search-filter [form_settings:Search_Filter_Active_Query:private] => Array ( [use_template_manual_toggle] => 1 [enable_taxonomy_archives] => 0 [enable_auto_count] => 0 [auto_count_refresh_mode] => 0 [auto_count_deselect_emtpy] => 0 [template_name_manual] => search.php [page_slug] => [post_types] => Array ( [cs_provider] => 1 ) [post_status] => Array ( [publish] => 1 ) [use_ajax_toggle] => 1 [scroll_to_pos] => results [pagination_type] => normal [custom_scroll_to] => [scroll_on_action] => all [inherit_current_post_type_archive] => 1 [inherit_current_taxonomy_archive] => 1 [use_relevanssi] => 1 [use_relevanssi_sort] => 1 [force_is_search] => 1 [auto_submit] => 1 [display_results_as] => elementor_loop_widget [update_ajax_url] => 1 [only_results_ajax] => 1 [ajax_target] => #main [ajax_links_selector] => .pagination a [infinite_scroll_container] => [infinite_scroll_trigger] => -100 [infinite_scroll_result_class] => [show_infinite_scroll_loader] => 1 [results_per_page] => 10 [exclude_post_ids] => [field_relation] => and [default_sort_by] => title [sticky_posts] => [default_sort_dir] => asc [default_meta_key] => __elementor_forms_snapshot [default_sort_type] => numeric [secondary_sort_by] => 0 [secondary_sort_dir] => asc [secondary_meta_key] => __elementor_forms_snapshot [secondary_sort_type] => numeric [taxonomies_settings] => Array ( [category] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [post_tag] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [post_format] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [wp_theme] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [wp_template_part_area] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [wp_pattern_category] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [elementor_library_type] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [elementor_library_category] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [wpa-stats-type] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [job_listing_category] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [job_listing_type] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [crisis-services] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => 846 ) [ihs_region] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [resource_categories] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [mec_category] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [npmediacat] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [monsterinsights_note_category] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [elementor_font_type] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [mec_label] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [mec_location] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) [mec_organizer] => Array ( [include_exclude] => include [ids] => ) ) [results_url] => ) [field_values:Search_Filter_Active_Query:private] => Array ( ) [searchterm:Search_Filter_Active_Query:private] => )
(Adolescents 13-17 y.o., Women and Men)
(Women, New Mothers, and Men)
(Women, New Mothers, and Men, AI/AN)
(Adolescent [14-17 y.o.] – collaborates with Idaho Connects Online School and GED Program)
(Adult individuals in Central Oregon and surrounding areas, Latino [3 to 6 months, this program is only for men])